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This website was created by Mogul Automated Impact System


Men Of Good Understanding Leadership


M.O.G.U.L Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to rebrand how young urban men are perceived through creating a network of leaders and individuals who strive to achieve goals greater than themselves, promoting education, and providing mentorship. The M.O.G.U.L foundation acronyms represent Men of Good Understanding Leadership. We strive to live the M.O.G.U.L Lifestyle of which is done while dedicating time and effort to self education, community service, personal growth, and setting an exemplary example for future generations.




M.O.G.U.L foundation's ultimate goal is to transform an abundance of like-minded individuals to become an ideal example of a modern day mogul from the ages of 10-30.


Promote financial literacy, education, and financial freedom.


Encourage our youth to give back and take pride in community service.


Make efforts to rebrand the face of the young urban male through uplifting, educating, and empowering one another.


First annual goal is to recruit and intake 30 young men.


Foundation's goal is to impact and serve the urban community positively and effectively.


Business Philosophy:

M.O.G.U.L organization takes pride in leadership which we believe is the key to empowering and uplifting others. It takes a unique individual to do something extraordinary that not many people are willing to do.


We also encourage everyone to believe in themselves and to never let struggle deter them from reaching a goal. It takes patience, prayer, and persistence. The triple P philosophy is what every M.O.G.U.L lives by



Target Market:

The target market for our services are young men from the ages of 10 to 30.


M.O.G.U.L organization has found its niche and ultimately its purpose to mentor, educate, and uplift young men to become Men of Good Understanding Leadership. This form of community service is greatly needed in the urban communities which proves that the M.O.G.U.L organization can flourish expedentially.


Everyone wants to be someone great. However, most of us do not know what it takes to be great due do to the lack of mentorship and education outside of school.


We promise to penetrate the market and perform our service to it's fullest potential.

We foresee this organization changing the perspective society has on young men. Initially, there may be some resistance due to the tarnished mentalities of urban youth. In due time, that will change completely.



Interested in being apart of something special? Lets Talk.​

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